Wednesday, June 12, 2013

It almost cost me my marriage..

Yes, I said it. This habit literally almost cost me the best thing that ever happened to me. But first, I know this is a bit off my normal topic, but is it? I speak to all of you about healthy life choices. And I, the author maybe eating healthy, working out, running, etc etc, but then I turn around and throw a plug in. The least healthy thing I could do to my body is increase my odds of Cancer by doing something that is optional. BY CHOICE, I am willing to negate all that I am doing to my body to "better" myself and heart and yet I am dipping and increasing the odds of cancer, from my mouth, to my stomach. Not to mention tooth loss etc etc.
But worst of all, I lied , and that is where I came to the cross roads of addiction. Give up something or loose something forever..... So now this blog has turned into an outlet for me to vent and look for support as I end my addiction to nicotine. As I go through this process, I hope that I can sway some of you away from tobacco.   

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